40K: 8th Ed. Rumors – The Primarch Schism
2 Minute Read
Nov 29 2016

The rumormongers are talking. The Primarchs return in 8th Edition – but THEN WHAT?
We’ve been hearing for months about what 8th Edition of Warhammer 40,000 may hold. Here’s today latest from an old reliable rumormonger who’s been around for years:
Sources tell BoLS:
-8th Edition starter is Astartes vs Chaos Marines.-Rulebook will be similar to Age of Sigmar’s General’s Handbook.-Look for Campaign Books similar to the Realmgate Wars series.-Point costs and rules for Army construction will be in the “General’s Handbook” and future codex-like Books-Release date for 8th Edition is June-The new Edition will be set after Abaddons’s 13th Black Crusade-Initial focus on factions will be on Imperium vs. Chaos-There are brewing disagreement between the returning Primarchs-Many are shocked and disagree the 40th Millennia Imperium’s religion and injustice.
Now the previous rumors were heavy on what the rule set would be like:
- GW is borrowing some rules mechanics form Age of Sigmar to pull over into the new edition.
- Look for an emphasis on ease of play, especially for new players.
- Look for the variable-stats-based-on-damage rule mechanic seen on some Age of Sigmar monsters to make it’s way into the Grimdark.
- Look for Psychics to be greatly simplified.
- Army construction will not be constrained.
- Some version of AoS Warscrolls will make their way into the game.
- The game will retain it’s gameplay and tactical depth, and not come anywhere near AoS’s tiny 4 pages of rules.
- GW’s design goal is to maintain 40K’s depth of tactics and play, while speeding up playtime and removing needless detail.
This could mirror the major shift we saw with Age of Sigmar from Warhammer Fantasy Battles – “New Setting, New Rules!” Guess we’ll find out soon enough…
~Have at it!

Author: Larry Vela