40K: Goodbye Eldar, Hello Aeldari
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” The times they are a changing in the grimdark.
We all saw the latest tease from GW for and paused for a little.
…and saw this:
Luckily Black Library author Robbie MacNiven is on the case over on his personal blog Harakoni Warhawks:
Some Thoughts
- The name change is confirmed.
- Eldar is out, Aeldari is in.
- We’ve seen this before with Imperial Guard becoming Astra Militarum and just about every faction you can think of in Age of Sigmar getting strange trademark-able spellings (I’m looking at you Ogors!)
- Eldar has been used previously by J.R.R. Tolkien in his writings. It is defined as follows by Tolkien Gateway: Eldar (singular Elda) was the name given to the Elves by the Vala Oromë when he first found them wandering in the starlight of Cuiviénen.
- Apparently the Dark Eldar are also getting a name change.
~I’ll open the floor up to you for discussion and guesses at what the Dark Eldar will be named.
Based on what we’ve seen so far I’m going with :
“Adarki Aeldari”