40K: Iron Warriors Chaos Legion Focus

Games Workshop calls in the lords of the siege with their latest Legion Focus – It’s Iron Warriors time!
The Chaos Space Marine Codex is on the way and all this week Games Workshop is teasing some of the Legions in the book. Yesterday we got a look at the Emperor’s Children and today we’re getting a better look at hazard stripe rocking Chaos Legion that is the Iron Warriors!
The Iron Warriors are masters of siege warfare, pulling down enemy fortifications with massed firepower and vile Daemon engines. In the new codex, Iron Warriors are the strongest Chaos Space Marine army when it comes to ranged warfare, slaying the enemy wherever they may hide.
Legion Trait: Siege Lords
This trait seems…familiar. The Iron Warriors have always had a bitter rivalry with the Imperial Fists and this ability shows just how they are a dark mirror of their most hated foe. We’ve talked about how much of an impact cover saves have in this edition and re-rolling failed wound rolls vs buildings is… what is it. Let’s keep moving to see what else the Iron Warriors are bringing to the table.
Fleshmetal Exoskeleton looks pretty promising! GW suggests slapping this on a Daemon Prince and going to town. A +2 save and the ability to regain a wound at the start of each of your turns on a tough unit only makes it tougher and more durable! This seems like a good move in my book.
Warlord Trait: Iron Warriors: Cold and Bitter
“Friendly Iron Warriors units within 6″ of your Warlord automatically pass Morale tests.” That is powerful warlord trait. Bypassing Morale tests is going to save you models. This will aid your Chaos Space Marines from the compounding effects of a big loss in combat. Or it will make those pesky Cultists even peskier! Did you opponent try to do a bunch of damage so they would run away due to Morale – too bad!
Games Workshop also showed off what the benefits of using the Marks on your unit:
Weaver of Fates can boost invulnerable saves by +1 or can give a unit that doesn’t have one a +5! That could also be really powerful because it will allow units to withstand heavy fire power that should kill them outright. Worried about Primaris Hellblasters? Toss this on a unit that you know is going to get shot by them and it will help easy that blow. A unit of Chaos Terminators that gets this will be a very tanky problem to deal with!
The Iron Warriors and their abilities make them well suited to grind down an opponent. They are a durable fighting force that will gladly trade shots with anyone relying on their superior armor and toughness to win the war of attrition. If you want to learn more about how GW recommends to you use them, you can read their full preview HERE.
What do you think of the Iron Warriors? Do these Siege Lords have the endurance to go all the way or do you think their “hazard stripes” are a red flag?