40K: Adeptus Custodes HQ Mini Arrives

Gamers have been waiting a while for the Adeptus Custodes to get a real HQ option. Look who just showed up to claim the title.
GW just put up the following mini and his background on their Facebook page:
Meet Captain-General Trajann Valoris, and his very impressive Custodian-halberd-axe-thingy…
They say he will be released “soon”.
I think we have two options with the mini:
- He will be released with digital rules shortly as a standalone
- He will be released in the new year as part of a Campaign of some type.
You will note that the Rise of the Primarch series kicked off in January of 2017 with the triumvirate boxed sets of characters. I could easily see Trajann being included in one of those.
~What do you think of the Emperor’s newest general?