Warlord’s Iconic Daleks are EXTERMINATING in the New Year

Warlord’s first Doctor Who release of 2018 features two iconic Daleks and Genesis Ark ship. Check em out!
via Warlord Games
Following on from our Dalek plastic sets, we are proud to announce an all-new boxed set, Maximum Extermination! featuring two unique Dalek metal figures, the fearsome Special Weapons Dalek and the red Supreme Dalek. The set is finished off with a beautifully crafted resin Genesis Ark.
These three beautifully sculpted figures are a welcome addition to our range…
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The Special Weapons Dalek, first seen in the 1988 story Remembrance of the Daleks, is a heavily-armed Dalek featuring greater offensive capabilities than a regular Dalek, and was built to withstand even the strongest enemy fire. This unique design featured an enormous energy canon mounted on the upper half of its body, replacing the usual eye stalk, manipulator arm and gun stick found on standard Dalek casings.
After the return of Davros and the resultant reestablishment of the Dalek race, the red coloured Supreme Dalek commanded this new Dalek empire. His design was more similar to a regular Dalek, however, he sported gold coloured ridges around his casing and gold spheres on his skirt section.
The Genesis Ark was a prison ship constructed using stolen Time Lord technology. Although only slightly larger in size to a normal Dalek casing, it was dimensionally transcendental, like the TARDIS, bigger on the inside than the outside, and transported millions of Daleks from the Last Great Time War to the present day, where the Ark was opened and the Daleks inside were released into the sky above Torchwood Tower to wreak havoc upon humanity.
These three beautifully sculpted figures are a welcome addition to our range and are the first to contain Exterminate! Game cards inside the box.
Order Davros and The Dalek Empire today!
Enter the Time Vortex…
~Just how many Doctor Who fans do we have out there?