Cruel Seas – New WWII Small Ship Naval Combat Game

That’s a lot of adjectives up there, but the gist of it is this. Cruel Seas is an upcoming new naval combat game from Warlord Games, but where other naval miniatures games focus on massive battleships and carriers, Cruel Seas is all about commanding flotillas of dozens of small ships. See for yourself!
Announced at this year’s Warlord Studios open day, Cruel Seas is a new game, due out in December, that brings the naval action of flotillas of small ships to your tabletop. On the tables of Cruel Seas you’ll find everything you need to fight a fast-paced “naval dogfight,” which is where the game captures my attention. There are already plenty of games out there that simulate big battleship based naval combat, on and off the tabletop. Whether you’re looking at a game that faithfully recreates the setting of World War II, or most starship combat games (if you look at how they work, they’re basically WWII naval combat but in space), we’ve been there and done that and adapted a miniatures game.
But Small Ships is another matter entirely. You still get the tasty positioning and maneuvering that are paramount in Naval combat, but now you’re dealing more with that turn by turn. Small Ships are more maneuverable and you can fit more of them on your tabletop, depending on the scale of the game. But this game wants dozens of ships on the table, which sounds exciting. Let’s find learn more.
via Warlord Games
Cruel Seas is a 1/300th scale tabletop miniatures game where you command flotillas of small ships in battle. Action in the game is fast-paced – with six or more ships per side, a thrilling seaborne dogfight can be fought in forty-five minutes or less.
With Cruel Seas you take the battle to the seas of World War II, controlling dozens of ships per side in immersive small ship action. This game has been a passion of and in development by the man behind Warlord Games, Mr John Stallard, since 2014 and can now proudly be brought to life by the Warlord studio.
The game is due out in December this year, and as you can see, there’s a lot of detail in these models. Whether it’s the boats themselves, or the terrain that’ll be accompanying it, like this gorgeous lighthouse…
Though the game won’t be out for a few more months, it is ready to produce. Here’s a look at some of the sprues.
We’re excited to see this different take on naval combat, and we look forward to bringing you more news as it develops.
What do you think of these boats?