40K: Space Marines Are The Next Thunder Warriors

With Primaris Marines out and spreading to all the chapters, the lowly Space Marines days are numbered. The clock is ticking and it’s not looking good for these veteran battle brothers.
Those 500 facts from GW are proving to be very informative. We picked a bunch we thought were interesting. We also noted yesterday that GW finally confirmed that the Emperor is a Perpetual – and what that actually means. Today, we’re looking at another juicy tid-bit from that massive list. The writing is on the wall for the Space Marines: Your replacements are here.
…They Come For Us All
There were two facts that were included that have basically signed the death warrant for the ‘regular’ Space Marine.
Fact #85 – Most Chapters now have the means and technology to create Primaris Space Marines of their own (drawn from their usual recruitment worlds), though many still choose to create standard Space Marines as well for their more flexible and readily available equipment and combat doctrines.
Fact #472 – The Emperor never meant for the Thunder Warriors, predecessors of the Space Marines Legions, to live long past the Unification Wars. They were a weapon, forged for a specific purpose, to be cast aside once spent.
We knew that the technology to create the Primaris Marines was filtering to all the chapters. But Fact #85 confirms that, yes, Primaris Marines are the way forward. It’s true that standard Space Marines are still able to be created, but how long do you think that will actually last?
As more of those marines die due to attrition and time, why would they replace last years model when they have something new and shiny available? It’s only a matter of time before those same Primaris Marines get access to the equipment and combat doctrines that make ‘standard’ marines more flexible. Also – what about Fact #146?
Fact #146– Primaris Space Marines are given three extra organs on top of the 19, with even more rigorous training and hypnotherapy.
What are those three organs, but more importantly why do they need MORE hypnotherapy? #Order66 #NeverForget
The Emperor Does Not Recycle
The Thunder Warriors, according to Fact #472, were forged for a specific purpose. That purpose was for the Unification Wars. These were the gene-enhanced super warriors the Emperor used to conquer Terra. They were noted for their strength, savagery, and combat prowess. They were living weapons created by the Emperor – and they were cast aside when he was done. And when we say “cast aside” we mean executed by the Emperor:
Fate of the Thunder Warriors
Imperial history records that the Thunder Warriors had all died in the final battle of the Unification Wars, the Battle of Mount Ararat, and the Legiones Astartes were created to replace them. However, according to a surviving Thunder Warrior, Arik Taranis, the Emperor didn’t replenish their numbers, or may have in fact massacred the hyper-violent and short-lived Thunder Warriors to make way for his stable, mass produced Astartes warriors, fabricating the tale of Mount Ararat as a cover-up, or using the battle to expend the last of the Thunder Warriors. The Thunder Warriors were suitable for conquering Terra, but did not fit the Emperor’s vision of warriors who would take the entire Galaxy. It is implied that the purges were carried out by the Custodian Guard. Another source states that upon discovering their short lifespans, the Thunder Warriors revolted against the Emperor, causing the Custodes to annihilate them.
Any surviving Thunder Warriors were hunted down and killed. During the Cerberus Insurrection, the Emperor sent the World Eaters after a small group of renegade Thunder Warriors. This hostile removal coupled with their shortened lifespan were designed by the Emperor to ensure that the Thunder Warriors would be ‘retired’ from battle.
As more and more standard Marines die, more Primaris Marines will fill those ranks. Look at the Blood Angels – most of their chapter as well as many of their successor chapters suffered massive losses at the most recent Devastation of Baal. You really think they are going to fill their ranks with standard marines?
Standard Marines might not get the “Thunder Warrior Salute” (which is a big middle finger and a bolter round to the back of the head) but their time is running out. And while it might take a couple of lore leaps forward, here in the real world, it’s just smart business.
The Replacement Stratagem
If GW wanted to ‘kill of’ standard marines all they need to do is start pushing Primaris Marines. Stop making starter boxes with the old marines and start positioning Primaris Marines as the face of the Space Marines. It might take a while, but eventually people will start running them in their armies more. Maybe even make the old marines rules not as good as the new shiny Primaris Marines.
Oh wait…
They already have better models – just start forcing them on the players. Really, all the Primaris Marines need is a decent transport, some bikes, an maybe a Drop Pod style thing to get them in battle, or a flyer, and BOOM – why do you need ‘standard’ marines anymore?
If you’ve spent any amount of time playing Warhammer 40,000 you’ve probably owned at least 1 space marine army. Maybe you keep it in an army bag ready to go. Maybe it sits on a shelf. Maybe you gave it to your kid or traded it to a friend – but pretty much EVERYONE has had a Space Marines Amry at some point. There are probably millions of standard Space Marines floating around in the world. Those are models that GW already sold and they are now in the 2nd or 3rd market and they aren’t getting any more revenue from those miniatures.
What better way to cash in on the most popular army in 40k than to make new, better, and replacement miniatures? “You can still use your standard Marines, but have you seen the new Primaris Marines?!” Just give it time.
Standard Marine: What’s this “Order 66” thing coming in through the Vox?
Primaris Marine: Oh, let me show you…