L5R: New Clan Pack Announced – Unicorns Charge Ahead

Legend of the Five Rings is getting a new Clan Pack from Fantasy Flight Games and this time it’s Clan Unicorn getting the boost. You don’t want to underestimate these nomadic horse masters on the tabletop.
Clan Unicorn is getting the next Clan Pack for L5R and it’s looking to bolster their already unique playstyle. Their clan is know for being able to charge into conflicts with the might of their cavalry units – in game this usually means characters can join into conflicts to support. But that’s not all this Clan Pack will provide as they are going to gain some additional tricks up their sleeve.
“Warriors of the Wind contains 78 new cards (three copies of twenty-five different cards and one copy each of three different cards), with an emphasis on the Unicorn Clan!
Warriors of the Wind celebrates all that makes the Unicorn great. Look for a stronghold that rewards you for exploring your opponent’s lands, a Meishōdō attachment that keeps your characters on the field, and Cavalry ready to track down their enemies with blinding speed!”
New Stronghold Options
First up, we’re getting a look at one of the three new Strongholds for the clan. If you’re not familiar with what a Stronghold is in L5R, think of it like a home base that generates resources for you to spend each turn. Also, if you lose it then you’re in a world of hurt.
At first glance, this Stronghold appears to be weaker than all the others in the game because it only generates 6 fate for you to spend a turn when most others generate 7. However, this card has the potential to generate more fate than any other Stronghold in the game. The ability allows you get bonus fate for each faceup non-stronghold province another player has – that’s a potential 4 bonus fate a round!
New Character Cards
Naturally, the Unicorn Clan Pack will get more characters to play and the Iuchi Farseer and Daiju are just two of the characters that will be added to their stable. On top of that, they both play into that theme of exploration and support that Unicorn plays up.
Iuchi Farseer allows you to simply reveal a facedown province! That’s worth the price of admission in my book already. Not only does that help out your new stronghold, it also can keep you from charging into any Provinces that might have some unexpected side effects. Knowing where to attack is as important as knowing how to attack (either military or political).
The Iuchi Daiyu can also tack advantage of those now exposed Provinces thanks to his ability as well! You can see how that theme of exploration is played out with just these three different cards – but wait, there’s more…
New Support Cards
Besides characters, Clan Unicorn will also get access to some new cards to help support their mission. Speak to the Heart is a new Event card that gives a Unicorn characters a +1 bonus to their political prowess for each faceup non-stronghold province your opponent controls. Again playing up that theme.
Not only will they be able to support each other with their cavalry characters that can charge into conflicts, but now they can get some pretty big boosts with these other cards. Cards like Compass, for instance, can tap into those exploration mechanics too:
Getting a peek at what’s to come in your deck will help you prep for the next couple turns – Or at least help you move some cards you won’t need to the bottom and out of the way. This pack also includes Support of the Unicorn incase you wanted to Splash them into your decks for other clans:
All that bonus Influence allows you to run more Unicorn cards in your non-Unicorn deck and that opens up some fun possibilities. And speaking of other decks, this Clan Pack does contain cards for other clans. Those cards are typically designed to help counter the tricks and traps of the Clan Pack they are contained in – and this is no different.
Hida Tsuru is a member of the Crab Clan and he punishes your opponent for adding in new characters to a conflict that he is participating in. But there is one fun twist to this cards, that ability fires off for ANY character, so if you have your OWN characters to add to a conflict, you can trigger it for yourself. Again, sprinkle in those Unicorns and suddenly you’ve got characters that can join in after the conflict has already started.
Warriors of the Wind $19.95
For almost 300 years the Unicorn Clan have settled in Rokugan, yet still they retain much of the wildness and gaijin customs that set them apart from the other Great Clans. It’s not that they are unable to assimilate, but rather have learned in their travels to remain true to themselves.
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to present Warriors of the Wind, a Unicorn Clan Pack for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game!
Warriors of the Wind contains 78 new cards (three copies of twenty-five different cards and one copy each of three different cards), many of which provide new tools to the Unicorn Clan!
Warriors of the Wind celebrates all that makes the Unicorn great. Look for a Stronghold that rewards you for exploring your opponent’s lands, Meishōdō events that protect your characters from harm, and battle steeds for the Utaku cavalry!
Look for the Clan Unicorn Clan Pack in Q1 of next year!