40K: The Unbeatable List: Warzone Atlanta 2018

Goatboy here with a quick rundown of the top Warzone Atlanta list. The new king of 40K meta – for now.
It’s a majority Drukhari list with an interesting supreme command of Aeldari goodness. There is no Ynarri and the normal beat stick that is common with Shining Spears. The major factor of the army is the “meat” mountain of 2 squads of 10 Grotesques. That is a ton of beef to deal with and the ability to punish you and sustain a ton of punishment makes this a mount to crawl up and get disgusted by.
Here is the list for those wondering. And a big congrats for Red Powell running something unique beyond the normal 3 pack of Ravagers with Shining spear friends.
Champion – Red Powell
Drukhari – Battalion – Prophets of the Flesh
HQ: Haemonculus, Hexrifle, Venom Blade
HQ: Urien Rakarth
Troops: Wracks X 6, Hexrifle, Venomblade
Troops: Wracks X 5, Hexrifle, Venomblade
Troops: Wracks X 5, Hexrifle, Venomblade
Elites: Grotesques X 10, Flesh Gauntlet/Monstrous Cleaver X 10
Elites: Grotesques X 10, Flesh Gauntlet/Monstrous Cleaver X 10
Drukhari – Battalion – Spearhead – Kabal of the Black Heart
HQ: Archon, Huskblade, Blaster, Phantasma Grenade Launcher
Heavy Support – Ravager, Disintegrator Cannon X 3
Heavy Support – Ravager, Disintegrator Cannon X 3
Heavy Support – Ravager, Disintegrator Cannon X 3
Dedicated Transport: Raider, Disintegrator Cannon
Dedicated Transport: Raider, Disintegrator Cannon
Aeldari – Supreme Command – Biel-Tan
HQ: Autarch Skyrunner, Banshee Mask, Laser Lance, Reaper Launcher
HQ: Farseer Skyrunner – Doom, Executioner
HQ: Warlord Skyrunner – Protect/Jinx
The idea appears to have a swiss army knife Aeldari set up with Doom/Jinx to mess with big monsters/units and a Autarch with so many damned pouches and guns that is he is starting to look like a Liefield creation. Mix this in with a ton of Disintegrators (when mixed with Doom/Jinx it spells death to any important units) as well as the already mention Meat Mountain of Grotesques. This list feels like a supreme board control army with enough options to answer any question that might come at it. I really like the swiss army knife Biel-Tan detachment as it lets you do things like turn off overwatch, kill things with the Reaper launcher, and charge in like a bad a$$ taking names. It is interesting in that you also have a ton of random sniper rifles as well to put wounds on characters and any other important Aura choices.
The Runner Up – Nick Nanavati
Mr. Nick Nanavati got 2nd place with the following Tyranid list. Congrats to him for doing well without having to take the Aeldari soup of tasty business. Nick’s army is a pure Nids list as well with 2 detachments of Gribbly monsters looking for a place to chow down.
Kraken Battalion
HQ: Swarmlord
HQ: Old One Eye
Troops: 19 Genestealers – Scything Talons, 4 Acid Maws
Troops: 19 Genestealers – Scything Talons, 4 Acid Maws
Troops: 26 Hormagaunts
Kraken Battalion
HQ: Flyrant – Wings, 2 Sets of Devourers
HQ: Flyrant – Wings, 2 Sets of Devourers
Troops: 3 Ripper Swarms
Troops: 3 Ripper Swarms
Troops: 3 Ripper Swarms
Elite: 3 Venomthropes
Elites: 6 Hive Guard
Kudos to Nick as this army feels like an actual Nid swarm. You got a decent set of big bugs, some blobs of efficient damage dealers and even some Hive Guard to pump out some wounds. It even feels like an army GW would show case as an efficient Tyranid army. I love that both Detachments are Kraken as well. Good job Nick beating people up with the Nids as you move across the table crushing souls for the Grand Devourer.
I really like both top 2 lists as they feel powerful but not completely against the norm for what you expect those codexes would produce as an army. There isn’t a “soup” detachment in the mix and it is great to see them. Right now my competitive streak is really just waiting on the new Chapter Approved to finally come out and lock in my army choices for LVO and maybe Adepticon if my better half lets me saunter off to the great cold north and try my hand again at Adepticon greatness.
~What do you think about the top lists?