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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: ‘Slice & Dice’

3 Minute Read
Jun 11 2024

The newest Rumor Engine is made for cutting. But who could be wielding it? This is quite the teaser from Games Workshop.

Welcome to another Tuesday and a brand new Rumor Engine. This one is clearly a bladed weapon. But it’s got some chunks missing out of it. So who would take such a busted weapon into battle? That’s what we’re looking to find out! But before we go any further you should have a look for yourself.

via Warhammer Community

“Last week we lamented an edition of the Rumour Engine with a notable lack of darning, and this week’s complaint is similar. The lack of maintenance on this weapon is frankly unconscionable; you’re never going to make a clean cut if you don’t oil your glaive after every engagement!”

Rumor Engine Slice & Dice

So what is it? Well, as noted by the text it’s possibly a glaive. Or some other polearm-type weapon. It’s a little hard to tell. But I have a feeling I know who — or at least what army is using something like this.


When it comes to dirty, rusted and busted weapons the Nighthaunt have you covered. If I had to guess then I’d toss my hat in with that faction first. It could possibly be another Death faction as well.


The undead of the Soulblight Gravelords aren’t too picky when it comes to gear either. If we could see the rest of the weapon we could confirm one way or another but those would be my top two picks.

On the Chaos side, we also have the Skaven to consider. They do have a release coming soon with the launch of the new edition and GW did tease that they had even more stuff planned for them. Which ever side wins the Battle for Hel Crown will get their releases revealed first after all.

Could this be something from the Grimdark universe instead? That’s a great question! Nothing really jumps to mind but that’s where you come in. If you’ve got any thoughts or theories we’d love to see them in the comments. It’s even better if you can explain why you think it could a new Space Marine Lieutenant!


Yeah…I don’t a Space Marine would take blade that beaten in to battle…

So what do you think? Another gastly undead creature? A new Skaven glaive-wielder? Or something else entirely?

Author: Adam Harrison
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