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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: The Claw

3 Minute Read
Jun 18 2024

The Games Workshop Rumor Engine is back with a creepy new claw. What could this one possibly be? That’s what we’re hoping to find out.

Welcome to a brand new Tuesday Rumor Engine from Games Workshop. Today’s image isn’t that hard to figure out. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean it’s going to get solved. But you should really have a look for yourself first…

via Warhammer Community

“If you had ‘claw’ on your June Rumour Engine bingo card, you’re a winner! This one is definitely a claw. Your prize? The knowledge that at some point in the next three to 24 months, a Warhammer miniature with at least one claw will probably be released.”

Rumor Engine The Claw

Well, it’s confirmed by GW at least: This one is a claw. And, for the first time since I can remember GW has also put a time frame on a Rumor Engine reveal. In this case it’s three to 24 months! That’s fitting since we just did the “Where Are They Now” for June 2023 and one of those happens to still be unsolved. In anycase, we at least know that this is indeed a claw.

So…let’s get to guessing! My initial gut reaction is actually something from Necromunda. Do you remember those Cawdor Ridge Walkers?

I don’t know why but I’ve getting the same sort of scrap-vibes from this image. Maybe it’s the wraps or the hodge-podge nature of the claw but it looks like it could fit right in with some Cawdor gangers. With Hive Secundus coming soon there’s bound to be more Necromunda goodies in the works.


Aside from that uh…aside, there could be other things that fit for this Rumor Engine. For example, what’s also scrappy and has claws? Skaven. And we know they have a release wave coming with the new edition.

And if you’re thinking “but we’ve seen all the models from Skaventide — this ain’t it.” You’re right, this Rumor Engine isn’t part of that wave of releases. But there are more reveals waiting in the wings from GW based on the results of a Global Battle for Hel Crown. In case you missed it:

“At the end of the battle, we will proclaim the winner – and fully reveal all the upcoming releases for the victorious faction.”

That said, the release window might be a little close to the three months vs the 24 months timeframe. I’m sure GW has worked that out either way. But going back to the image the fact that this could find a home in either the Grimdark or the Mortal Realms is what makes this one tough. So if you’ve got some guesses drop us a line in the comments and help us all out.



Whelp, it’s at least a Claw. But who’s claw is it anyways?

Author: Adam Harrison
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