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Steamforged Games: Warmachine Updated Release Schedule

3 Minute Read
Jun 19 2024

Steamforged Games has an updated release schedule for when you can expect to get Warmachine in your hands.

In case you missed the news, Steamforged Games acquired the rights to the Iron Kingdoms. That includes Warmachine, P3 Paints, and a whole lot more. Lots of folks had questions on how ordering Warmachine was going to work.  there were some technical details to sort out but since last week those have appeared to been handled. Warmachine and the Iron Kingdoms products are now on the SFG store.

With that good news, there’s also been an update on the availability and release schedule as well.

Warmachine Updated Release Schedule

via Steamforged Games

As you browse our store, you might notice everything is available for pre-order to ship mid-July.

Before the recent acquisition, Warmachine orders were already experiencing extended lead times due to high demand. Our logistics and production teams are working closely with Privateer’s facility to expedite the process and fulfil existing orders.

In addition, like we talked about in the announcement, we’re still in a transitional period as we build in new and improved processes. Once we’re past the pre-order period, things will be available to order as normal. 

(Shipping to Australia and New Zealand isn’t possible right now, but we’re working on getting domestic manufacturing in place and will put out an update when orders open.)


On a related note, Privateer had already announced several upcoming releases. Because of the changeover, the schedule for these has been updated:

New Products and New Names

Now, you might noticed some good changes to intro products ahead. For example, in August there’s a new Cryx Command Starter coming. What are those?

“Command sets are something we’ll be rolling out across factions. These are the best way to start playing because they include a fully-playable force right out of the box, that’s suitable for 30 point games and can be combined with other sets for bigger games.”

There’s also going to be a brand new 2-player starter box featuring Cygnar vs. Khador. This box is also going to be their Warmachine release in new hard plastic. That box is slated for November.


The older Battleboxes are changing names and will become new Battlegroup Boxes.

“The Battlegroup Box is both a great entry point in its own right, and the perfect next step from your Command set to add another Warcaster or Warlock option, along with your army’s Warjacks or Warbeasts, so you can start playing 50pt games.”

Additionally, there is also an overhaul coming for the old Core Army Starter and Army Expansion boxes, too. Core Army Starters have been replaced by new Core Expansion sets.

“These still feature a Warcaster or Warlock, along with a selection of solos, units, and attachments. In place of a Heavy and Light Warjack or Warbeast, they now feature a Character Warjack or Warbeast on the alternate chassis.”

The Army Expansions have been replaced by Auxiliary Expansions. These sets will have a Warcaster or Warlock and a selection of solos, units, and attachments.


Now, there’s more products and changes ahead. You can read about all the new stuff on the Steamforged Games site here. Personally, I think this is a great move and I think that Steamforged Games is serious about stewarding this IP moving forward. The fact that Warmachine and the Iron Kingdoms RPG are back online and for sale is a huge win and a big milestone. Here’s hoping the SFG can keep up the momentum and they can hit their goals with this one.

Finally, SFG also put out part 2 of their Warmachine and Iron Kingdoms manifesto. If you’re curious about the folks behind the game then definitely give that a read.


The Iron Kingdoms and Warmachine are making moves. This could be HUGE!

Author: Adam Harrison
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