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Age of Sigmar: How to Play Hedonites of Slaanesh

5 Minute Read
Jul 4 2024

Today we take a look at the basics of how to play the Hedonites of Slaanesh in Age of Sigmar. Ready to give in to temptation?

The worship of Slaanesh can be found anywhere that pleasure, pain, or really anything is done to a startling excess. So it makes sense that not every worshipper would honor the Dark Prince in the same manner. As his followers sought him across the Realms, they divided into several distinct factions. Here’s how to get the most out of their unique playstyle.

Who are the Hedonites of Slaanesh?

Slaanesh is a fickle god. Though he doles out fabulous blessings to those who dole out pain or pleasure in his name, his favor is easily swayed. Hedonites of Slaanesh are the vast armies of hedonists that follow or once followed Slaanesh, the lost god. None can say what has become of the Dark Prince of Perversion but his followers still seek him, or look to supplant him.

Most mortal warbands are comprised of mortal devotees known as Sybarites. From the lowly Blissbarb Archers to the mightiest champion, they exemplify their own sins to a horrific extent on the battlefield. Examples like the Slickblade Seekers, the pain-obsessed blademasters of the Myrmidesh and their egotistical, daemon-touched kin known as the Symbaresh.

The worship of Slaanesh often starts with a simple demand from the deity, to pursue their innermost desires without restraint or regret. This edict has become popular and prominent amongst bastions of civilisation. Failing artists, struggling playwrights and overworked citizens are common victims to this command, since Slaanesh provides these people a muse or simple succour. The gatherings of such souls are clandestine, the pleasures experienced in these private groups often start benign, it is a simple reprieve from everyday life.

Why Play Hedonites?

Slaanesh are aesthetically magnificent. Anyone who revels in the pleasure and pain of the Purple Prince will love assembling all of their delightfully pointy model kits. In addition the Hedonites have a cache of excellent synergistic rules, allowing them to buff, debuff, summon additional units, and just generally be a lot harder than they look on paper.



  • Lots of Tricks.
  • Escalating strength- Euphoric Killers is a great buff.


  • Elite numbers- you often won’t have a lot of board presence.
  • No fast, tanky units. You have very fast units (all forms of Seeker) and tough units (Myrmidesh), but you don’t have any that are both.

Signature Rules

Battle Traits

  • An Excess of Depravity– at the start of the battle round give up to  three of your units Euphoric Killers, but each one gives a ‘6’ for your opponent to use.
  • Euphoric Killers– units can run and charge and all melee attacks have Crit(2 Hits).

Battle Formations

  • Depraved Carnival– bonus to hit for damaged units.
  • Seeker Cavalcade– Cavalry can Retreat and still Charge.
  • Epicurean Revellers– additional Rally dice for Daemon heroes.
  • Supreme Sybarites– Increase control scores of units near heroes.

Featured Heroic Trait

  • Strongest Alone– bonus to hit and wound if no friendlies in 6″.

Featured Artefact

  • Pendant of Slaanesh– if you suffered any damage, Heal(3).

Key  Units

Hedonites of Slaanesh want a few strong, fast heroes with good support to back them up, and these units fit the bill perfectly.

Glutos Orscollion

Glutos is the big baddie of the Hedonites faction and he has a taste for the finer things.


Keeper of Secrets

The big daemon of Slaanesh is an excellent General. The Keeper has the ability to bring back a half-strength replacement daemon unit with Locus of Slaanesh, and a great Rampage. Even in a mounted army, it has the speed to keep up.


Dexcessa is the excessive twin of violence, though they get the most power alongside their sibling.

Lord of Pain

A surprisingly durable and deadly hero, with a built-in 5+ Ward that can rebound wounds and mortal wounds on the enemy, an aura to empower nearby units significantly, and a nasty close combat weapon.

Myrmidesh Painbringers


Arrogant, masterful, and deadly warriors, these mighty warriors play the part of both hammer and anvil, combining decent damage potential with decently strong durability. An excellent escort for your Lord of Pain general to keep him deep behind enemy lines.

Slickblade Seekers

An incredibly fast unit  with a ridiculous amount of damage potential. On the charge this is one of your best picks for Euphoric Killers.

Blissbarb Archers

Slaanesh is all about the pain and nothing hurts more than an arrow to the knee. These fast and active Archers provide the army with a considerable ranged threat and can have the entire army built around them.



These damonic beasts can surprise an unsuspecting foe with their Soporific Musk.


Sample Hedonites of Slaanesh Army

Faction: Slaanesh
– Battle Formation:

Regiment 1
Lord of Pain
20 x Blissbarb Archers
20 x Blissbarb Archers
10 x Myrmidesh Painbringers
10 x Slickblade Seekers

Regiment 2
Keeper of Secrets
3 Fiends
10 Daemonettes


How to Play Hedonites of Slaanesh

One thing that’s key is picking your Euphoric Killers correctly each round, as that is your biggest force multiplier. Choosing which of your units will be able to maximize damage, and then doing so, is key. Beyond that, they are fast, have some great combat pieces, and decent shooting. Overall Hedonites are a mid-floor, high ceiling type of army, that will greatly benefit from a subtle, deft hand.


Author: Allen Campbell
  • Age of Sigmar: How to Play Fyreslayers