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‘Drop in Dungeons,’ ‘Operation: Giant’ and More Are Ready For You to Play Today!

4 Minute Read
Aug 2 2024

This week’s 5E compatible RPGs include ‘Operation’ on giants, a ‘Renaissance Mage’ class, and a collection of ‘Drop in Dungeons.’

It’s time to roll the dice on new releases! Come check out this week’s batch of brand-new tabletop role-playing games.

The Crimson Phantom

Mysterious disappearances have been happening in Ralisa, as people seem to enter the city’s public bathrooms and are never seen again. The city’s council, desperate and terrified, calls upon a group of brave adventurers to investigate the odd occurrences.

Can the heroes uncover the mystery and defeat the Aka Manto, or will they too fall victim to the Crimson Phantom?

An adventure designed for level 3 adventurers.

Llwey’s Missing Vessel Report

Llewy’s Missing Vessel Reports give a snapshot of a vessel’s last voyage and set up the mystery for your players to explore. These two-page maritime myteries are designed to be plug-in flavor for your adventures, or adventure hooks you can incorporate into your campaign without requiring a huge amount more development on your part as a GM.

The Schooner Samuel Moss went missing 142 days ago from Port Al-Hanz to Aquillia in salt. While it has been a long time since the vessel was last heard of, there are rumors and other problems brewing around this particular vessel which might merit investigation.

Drop in Dungeons: Sanctum of Ill Omens

Plan your next session and reduce prep time with Drop in Dungeons: Sanctum of Ill Omens! This 30-page Adventure contains the mystical Sanctum of Ill Omens, the former home of the great divination wizard, Giselle The Fatebound (one of the epic villains from our book, Drop In Villains and Factions). Within the dungeon you will find 5 encounters – will you choose to roleplay your way through or solve your problems with sword and spell?

Renaissance Classes for 5E: Renaissance Mage

In the dazzling epoch of the Renaissance, a period renowned for its revival of classical knowledge and the birth of modern science, a unique figure emerged—the Renaissance Mage. This extraordinary class of scholars and mystics embodied the era’s spirit of exploration and discovery, fusing the burgeoning scientific understanding of the natural world with the ancient and arcane traditions of magic. The Renaissance Mage stands at the confluence of two powerful currents: empirical inquiry and mystical wisdom.

It was a time of unparalleled intellectual fervor, where the boundaries of knowledge were continuously pushed by pioneering thinkers. The Renaissance Mage was one of these trailblazers, delving into the mysteries of the elements, alchemy, and the cosmos. Unlike their purely scientific or solely magical counterparts, Renaissance Mages seamlessly integrated the disciplines of both realms, creating a new paradigm of understanding and power.


This book delves into the rich and intricate world of the Renaissance Mage. Exploring their unique blend of magic and science. It traces the journey of these learned individuals from their early education in the classical texts and natural philosophies to their profound mastery of both arcane and empirical practices. Through detailed accounts of their studies and achievements, we gain insight into the rigorous training and intellectual challenges that shaped them.

Operation: GIANT!

Have you ever wished that board games made in the 1950s could be smashed together with your favorite RPG? Sure, we all have! And now, your wish has come true.

In this first Bored Game Parody, enter a frolicking adventure to help Jack dispose of the dead giant in his yard, while also surgically reliving a classic board game.

MAYBE the players will help Jack dispose of the dead giant in his yard. OR, they may clear out some magical creatures, free the giant from his slumber, and then realize that Jack is a wicked thief. OR, they figure out another way entirely to claim the magic beans, the charming harp, and the Golden Goose.

A quick drop-in sidequest with lighthearted fun, amusing monsters and puzzles, and a scaling method that allows you to present medium to difficult challenges to any number of players of any level!


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