Heresy Era Death Guard

I finished up a 2500 pt pre-heresy DeathGuard army several months ago, after going bit fluff crazy.
Here is my take on it.
First, I got Index Astartes Volume 3 which has the Death Guard article in it as well as their pre-heresy color scheme.
Then, I picked up the Horus Heresy art books from Black Library as they are filled with pre-heresy Deathguard imagery as well.
I went with the following fluff goals (taken from pouring over every bit of fluff i’ve found going back to the early 90s stuffs):
Death Guard Legion (pre-heresy, loyalists)
-Known for their “toughness” and endurance: often won victories through sheer perseverence.
-Known for their tactical flexibility (no dedicated tactical or assault squads, each individual marine was expected to perform both duties)
-little reliance on exotic and or heavy equipment (tanks): the legion was focussed upon infantry
-legion partially compensated for infantry focus by making the most use of Terminator armor which was used in larger numbers and mixed more freely within the legion than in any other legion.
-preferred weapons (from artwork: multi-melta/plasma rifle/plasma cannon/bolter family
-distrust of psychics
-common use of the number 7 (hint,hint)
With that in mind I built this army:
General background notes:
I used the new SM codex as the basis for the army, and use the following doctrines to represent Mortarion’s Legion:
Trust in you Battle-Brothers (true-grit,counterattack)
Cleanse and Purify (2x special weapons in tac squads instead of heavy weapons)
Flesh over Steel (very few heavy tanks)
Have Faith in Suspicion (no librarians)
Army organization: all squads of 7 with limited vehicle support:
Master (Furious Charge)
Pair of Lightning Claws (represented by a modified typhus scythe)
Combat Shield
Adamantium Mantle
Frag Grenades
Command Squad (x6, Furious Charge)
Vet Sgt. (Power Fist/Bolt Pistol)
Company Champion (powersword,bolt pistol, combat shield)
Apothacary (bolt pistol/CCW)
Standard Bearer (bolt pistol/CCW/ Company banner)
2x marines (bolt pistol/CCW)
Terminator squad (x7)
hvy flamer
Terminator squad (x7)
hvy flamer
Tactical Squad (x7, True Grit,Countercharge)
Vet Sgt (powerfist/bolter)
plasma rifle x2
Tactical Squad (x7, True Grit,Countercharge)
Vet Sgt (powerfist/bolter)
plasma rifle x2
Tactical Squad (x7, True Grit,Countercharge)
Vet Sgt (powerfist/bolter)
plasma rifle x2
Devastator Squad (x7)
Multi-melta x4
Devastator Squad (x7)
Multi-melta x4
Scout Squad (x7)
Sniper Rifle x6
Heavy Bolter
Land Raider
Land Speeder x2 (Multi-melta, Hvy Flamer)
Dreadnought (las-cannon/missile launcher)
Rhino (assigned to various units)
General observations
The tac squads are tough as nails and normally can take substantial casualties and still dish it out in assault because of the true-grit and the vet sarge. Double plasma also alows for highly lethal rapid firing within 12″ while riding in a rhino.
The command squad is expensive, but tears a path of destruction if it reaches enemy lines. The standard bearer in particular keeps the battle line from running (Ld:10 with a re-roll is very reliable)
I found after several battles, that 2 dev squads with quad Multi-Meltas are far cheaper and more reliable that trying to use lots of Terminators. Its an added bonus that few people are used to seeing such a concentration of MMs and it really spooks them. (come on baby, bring them tanks closer). The trick is to not worry to much about trying to move up with 12″ for the added +d6 armor penetration. The S:8 combined with AP:1 special rules make them lethal enough out to 24″, and makes marine squads (of any type) just go away.
The army in general has to close with the enemy to fight effectively, using the rhino and LR for transport, then dismounting an using them as cover.
At range, only the LR, dread, scouts and cyclones can shoot over 24″ (the speeders, terminators can deepstrike)
I designed it using the Horus Heresy art books and the Index astartes articles as my guide, so I’ve tried to stick as close to the fluff as possible. Its definately a challenge to play feeling like a hybrid of Space Wolves and Salamanders, but is great fun!
Modelling Notes:
I went with the old style 2nd edition “flying shoe” land speeders seen in the Horus Heresy art books, and traded with buddies to get as many “old style” marine torsos (the ones with the external cabling and the rivets), avoiding any with the Imperial Eagle, and using as many MK VI heads (beakies) as possible.
I additionally, bought a dozen or so Mk 2,4,5 armored bodies from the GW Classic collection to sprinkle among the squads to “age” the army. It turned out quite well.
I created the Death Guard decal sheet using Adobe Illustrator, with dozens of logos and company markings in a variety of sizes.