How many minis does bigred own?

Here is a shot of all of my armies. It turns out that almost 2 decades is enough time to put together and paint a lot of Minis.
From Bottom to Top:
Tyranids: This is a hodge-podged collection of nids ranging from Space Hulk to 2nd to 4th edition, unified by a single paint scheme. There are a couple of old Armourcast big bugs in there to.
Blood Angels: This is where it all began way back with my first minis ever, a box of RTB1 beakies. Some parts of this army were just painted this year, while some of the tactical marines have been fighting for the Emperor for more years than some players have been alive. Back then they weren’t the assault crazed nutters of today, but just the “red marines” from the original rulebook (thank God I didn’t decide to collect the Rainbow Warriors).
Imperial Guard: This was my 2nd army, and is a large collection of the old Rogue Trader plastics, that came 36 to a box, back in the days of Imperial jetbikes and Imperial beastmen. It has been modernized over the editions but still gets the job done. There is an old Armourcast Shadowsword superheavy way in the back.
Death Guard: My pride and joy. This is my newest army, built entirely from scratch within the last 2-3 years. I always wanted a white army as they are rarely seen on the tabletop, and decided to go with a Heresy-Era army for the modeling opportunities. With Loyalists on the right, Nurgle on the left, and custom decals all around, this is the army that turns heads at the local club.
Eldar: My 2nd true love. Some of these (the Guardians) are almost as old as the Blood Angel RTB1s. I’ve updated them through the years and am just putting some new touches and additions in now with the new codex. They earned me my most cherished compliment yet, with Jes Goodwin himself saying they very well done at Adepticon 2006. That right shelf is a bit empty as my current 2000pt list has been pulled. More on that list later.
Top shelf: Armourcast Reaver Titan, 2 Forgeworld Eldar Phoenix Bombers, and last but not least my Flames of War PanzerGrenadier army (I needed a change).