Eldar Warhost of Alaitoc

Here is an introduction to my Eldar Warhost.
Clocking in at over 200 minis with @100 of them being aspects, it is a force as large as it is old. This army started out during the Rogue Trader days as a handful of Eldar Pirates with a single Eldar Dreadnaught (yes they were called that back in the day, and had a living pilot in that big headpiece). They were painted in the original colors of Yriel’s Eldritch Raiders (who is also that old).
Much later during 2nd Edition, when the formal Craftworld/Aspect background was fleshed out I discovered that my army’s colors had been assigned to something I had never heard of before called “Alaitoc Craftworld”. And that as they say is that.
The Warhost breaks down roughly as follows:
Farseer (2) 1 foot, 1 on jetbike
Warlocks (5)
Phoenix Lords (all but Baharroth…i’ll get around to him!)
Guardian Defenders (40)
Guardian Defender Heavy Weapon Teams (12)
Guardian Storms (20)
Guardian Jetbikes (8)
Guardian Support Platforms (4)
Rangers/Pathfinders (20)
Dive Avengers (30)
Fire Dragons (20)
Howling Banshees (20)
Striking Scorpions (20)
Warp Spiders (10)
Swooping Hawks (10)
Dark Reapers (10)
Vypers (3)
Falcons (2)
Wave Serpents (3)
War Walkers (3)
WraithGuard (10)
WraithLords (2)
With the release of the new Codex:Eldar, these guys are seeing a Renaissance. I’ll be highlighting specific units and tactics soon.