Loyalist Pre-Heresy Death Guard Landspeeders

Its time to go back to my Loyalist Death Guard for a bit.
This is a pair of Heresy-era Landspeeders I dug up from ebay and painted up in the Loyalist Death Guard colors. I went with the heavyflamer-multimelta comba as it is fluffier for the era (where assault cannons are “fuzzy” at best), and it meshes with the army’s multi-melta theme.
Game-wise I usually deploy these guys dead last well away fromt he main body of my forces. They move 24″ to get into a flanking position to either
a) destroy concentrations of Infantry (usually in heavy cover) with twin Heavy flamers
b) go after long range vehicles or barrage vehicles who are otherwise out of reach of my infantry.
They have an exceptionally low survival rate in my games, but usually get the job done.
With the newest Games Workshop FAQ regarding deepstriking landspeeders (they count as moving over 12″), I’ve dropped that deepstriking altogether, unless I’m holding them back to capture objectives late-game, and don’t intend to use the speeders for combat duties.