Project: Autarch Part 2

Here is where I’m at so far. I’ve got all of the basic work done, and have decals applied.
The Autarch is shaping up to be a mean looking customer.
Things I like are the undermounted Reaper Launcher that I think turned out nice ans spiffy, and the general underside “eldar detail” that came together from the various odds and ends I had lying around.
Things I’m iffy about are the head in general. There is nothing wrong with it specifically except general blandness, and I’m thinking about a headswap with a Dire Avenger Exarch head with the huge extended plume and chin-piece.
There is still a to-do list of final gem details and highlights, and touchups of minor errors. There is also the horrible alignment issues with the two banners that I need to address, and I’m undecided on how to finish up the bannerpole. It just seems a bit plain, and I’m trying to scratch my way through to a good solution for the entire thing.