Terrain Workshop: Bunkers

Today’s terrain feature is all about bunkers. I used a very similar technique to the ork village, the main difference being that the walls are at an angle, rather than straight. All of the construction techniques were the same as the ork buildings (foam core, taping edges, wood filler texture, etc.). Too make the angle, I made the top of each wall, 1” shorter (at each end) than the bottom, to form a trapezoid. I then taped the edges as normal. For the windows, I cut several ¼” tall slits on all the walls and taped them down as well.
Because we no longer have square corners, we can’t use blocks to support the roof and walls. Before I glued anything together, I taped the roof and walls together, making sure the roof sat on top of the walls. I then went back and glued the pieces. The tape helps prevent a lateral tear as well as smoothing over the edges to make it look like a solid piece.
For the door, I cut a notch out of one of the walls about 1.25” wide. Once the rest of the bunker was assembled, I cut 2 triangular pieces to go on either side of the door notch. These should allow the door to be inset and vertical while the walls run at an angle. I cut the heads off of some crafting tacks and used them as rivets, and stole the door handle of off the imperial tank sprues.
The entire building was textured with the same wood filler that was used on the ork buildings. The whole piece was coated with a gray primer, then a dark grey wash and 2 shades of light grey dry brushing.