Project: Blood Angels Assault Army

Thanks to the fine contributors of Warseer, I’ve been lucky enough to preview the new Blood Angels mini-codex that will be published in White Dwarf. The chance to field an all Jump Pack army is just too much to pass up. Long-story-short I’m starting a new project.
Today at lunch, Bigred and I ran to our local game store to load up on Assault Marines. The good people at BattleForge Games helped us find what we needed (and ordered what they didn’t have in stock). Speaking of which, if any of you are ever in the Austin area on Friday nights, please drop in and say hi. Bring a 2,000pt army.
So tonight I’m starting the arduous task of assembling
Here’s a rough draft of the list I’m putting together:
— Commander Dante (w/BA Standard); 215pts
— Chaplain (Jump Pack); 120pts
— Honor Guard (Standard Bearer, Sanguinary Priest, Jump Packs, 2 Plasma Guns); 210pts
— 6 Death Company (Jump Packs); 30pts
— 10-man Veteran Assault Squad (2 Power Fists, 2 Meltaguns); 355pts
— 5-man Assault Squad (Power Fist, 2 Plasma Guns); 180pts
— 5-man Assault Squad (Power Fist, 2 Plasma Guns); 180pts
— Landspeeder Tornado; 100pts
— Landspeeder Tornado; 100pts
— 10-man Devastator Squad (2 Missile Launchers, 2 Plasma Cannons); 255pts
— 10-man Devastator Squad (2 Missile Launchers, 2 Plasma Cannons); 255pts
That gives me a 33 Assault Marines, 20 Devastators, and 2 Landspeeders. With Combat squads, this gives me 12 scoring units. Eventually, I’ll field only Jump Packs and Landspeeders.
Commander Dante and the Chaplain join the Honor Guard (gaining +1A because of the Standard Bearer). They advance with the Death Company (staying within 6″ of the Chaplain). Dante Inspires both units (allowing them to hit on 3+) and his mask makes their opponents -1WS. Dante and the Chaplain can move freely between the Death Company and the Honor Guard, which will be handy and everyone is Fearless.
The Sanguinary Priest protects the Honor Guard Plasma Guns on my turn and both the Honor Guard and Death Company on my opponent’s turn. I love Apothecaries – especially in expensive units!
The plan is to split the units into Combat Squads (total of 6 squads) and advance under the withering fire of my Devastator (also split into Combat Squads). I have no idea if it will work, but it should be lots of fun!
Any one else working on a new Blood Angels army? I’d love to hear about it!