Challenge League Special Character Rules (Part 1)
3 Minute Read
Jun 25 2007

This Summer Bell of Lost Souls is sponsoring a local challenge board league (a War Without End variant). To spice things up we’ve decided to include some special customization rules for each army’s General (we were inspired by the very cool, but relatively unused, Medusa V character customization rules).
Only a single character may be customized and that character becomes the army’s General (there will be a headhunting prize). Our goal is provide some color and some fun abilities without completely compromising balance and background. Each day for the next week or two, I’ll be posting each army’s character customization rules. So without further delay, here is part one of the Space Marines rules…
A. Commander
Choice of ONE from the following list for +10 points:
- +1 WS
- +1 Ld (Captain only)
AND choice of ONE from this list:
- Trophy Rack: The Commander understands the power of grisly trophies. All enemy models require a 5+ to hit the Commander (and any unit he has joined) in shooting, but their hatred of the Commander gives them the Preferred Enemy ability when attacking the unit in close combat; 15 points.
- Master Strategist: As long as the Commander is alive and on the tabletop, he may choose to add +1 to each Reserves roll; 15 points.
- Personal Standard: Any unit that is joined by a Commander with a Personal Standard gains the Counter Attack ability and +1 Attack on the turn they are charged; 20 points.
- Scholar of War: May re-roll the die to determine who goes first; 20 points.
- Strike Cruiser Support: The Commander may call in a Preliminary Bombardment from an orbiting strike cruiser; 15 points.
- Tyrannic War Veteran: This Ultramarines Commander has learned painful lessons in defeating the Tyranid threat. He (and any unit he joins) gains the Preferred Enemy (Tyranid) and Counter Attack skills. In addition as described in the Tyrannic War Veterans entry, any Heavy Bolter in the unit may use the Hellfire round option and the squad gains the ability to use Krak Grenades as close combat weapons. Ultramarine Commanders only; 20 points.
B. Chaplain
Choice of ONE from this list:
- Death Mask: Any enemy unit with a model within 6″ of the Chaplain suffers a -1 modifier to its Leadership; 10 points.
- Inspiring Battlefield Oratory: Once per game, at the start of the Chaplain’s Shooting phase, the Chaplain may inspire his battle-brothers into a frenzy. Instead of shooting, any unit with a model within 6″ gains the Fleet ability for that turn only; 20 points.
- Indomitable Will: The Chaplain has the Feel No Pain special ability; 20 points.
- Personal Standard: Any unit that is joined by a Chaplain with a Personal Standard gains the Counter Attack ability and +1 Attack on the turn they are charged; 20 points.
- Voxcaster: The Chaplain’s Honour of the Chapter special rule is extended to units with models within 6″ of the Chaplain; 15 points.
C. Librarian
Choice of ONE from this list:
- Clarity of Vision: The Librarian’s visions are particularly powerful. If a Summoned or Deep Striking unit enters play within 4D6″ of the Librarian (roll when each unit enters play), both he and any joined unit may immediately take a “free shot” at them. These shots are taken before the enemy unit moves, as an exception to the normal turn sequence, and the shooting unit counts as stationary. Aside from this, the normal shooting rules apply; 10 points.
- Personal Standard: Any unit that is joined by a Librarian with a Personal Standard gains the Counter Attack ability and +1 Attack on the turn they are charged; 20 points.
- Psychic Backlash: If killed in close combat, the player controlling the Librarian may remove any single model in base contact with the Librarian (no saves of any type are allowed). Models without a Leadership score are immune; 25 points.
- Psychic Beacon: The Librarian may use his powerful psychic presence to act as a beacon, aiding his allies and confusing his foes. The Librarian may choose EITHER to re-roll the Scatter die for any friendly unit entering play via Deep Strike once per turn OR he may force his opponent to re-roll the Scatter die for a unit entering play via Deep Strike or Summoning once per turn. The Librarian chooses at the beginning of the game; 15 points.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on the rules, especially if you feel that any of them are poorly priced or unbalancing. Your feedback will give us a chance to modify the rules before the league starts.
Next Time: Chapter Specific Rules…

Author: Guest Columnist