Challenge League Special Character Rules (Part 2)

This section covers the special rules for Black Templars, Blood Angels, Dark Angels and Space Wolves. The goal with these chapters was try to capture the flavor of the army (as well as some of the abilities granted to them by their special characters). We also jumped at the chance to use the Watcher in the Dark figure for Azrael.
- +1 WS
- +1 A (Emperor’s Champion only)
- +1 Ld (Captain and Chaplain only)
- Cenobyte Retinue: The Chaplain leads three Cenobyte Servitors that carry an ancient and powerful relic. These follow all the normal rules for Cenobyte Servitors and, so long as at least one of them is alive, the Chaplain counts as having a Sacred Standard; 30 points.
- Indomitable Will: Imbued by an unbreakable faith in the Primarch, the hero of the chapter has the Feel No Pain special ability; 20 points.
- Only in Death does Duty End: Once the Emperor’s Champion has lost all of his Wounds (even if caused by a weapon that causes Instant Death), do not remove him from play. Instead take a Leadership test and if this is passed, the Champion fights on with 1 Wound remaining. If he loses this wound remove him from the table. At the beginning of each game turn for the rest of the battle, the Champion must make a Leadership test. If he fails this test, he is removed from play; 20 points.
Company Captain, Chaplain or Librarian
- +1 WS (Company Captain only)
- +1 Ld (Chaplain and Librarian only)
- Ancient Relic: The character was honored with the care of an ancient Blood Angels relic. The relic may be carried by an Honor Guard Standard Bearer instead of a Company Banner. All Blood Angels units with a model within 12” of the Relic may re-roll failed Morale and Pinning tests. In addition, all models in the Standard Bearer’s unit add +1 to their Attacks. Honor Guard only; 25 points.
- Indomitable Will: Imbued by an unbreakable faith in the Primarch, the character has the Feel No Pain special ability; 20 points.
- Red Thirst: The Blood Angels Company Captain and his battle-brothers are consumed by the Red Thirst. Any friendly unit of Blood Angels within 12” of him count their opponents as a preferred enemy; 15 points.
Company Captain, Chaplain or Librarian
Choice of ONE from this list +15 points:
- +1 WS
- +1 Ld (Chaplain and Librarian only)
- Ancient Relic: The character was honored with the care of an ancient Dark Angels relic. The relic may be carried by a Command Squad Standard Bearer instead of a Company Banner. All Dark Angels units with a model within 12” of the Relic may re-roll failed Morale and Pinning tests. In addition, all models in the Standard Bearer’s unit add +1 to their Attacks. Command Squad only; 25 points.
- Deathwing Captain: A Captain in Terminator Armor may be upgraded to a Deathwing Captain. He gains the Furious Charge ability and may take Deathwing Terminator units as Troops as well as Elites. Company Captain only; 15 points.
- Ravenwing Captain: A Captain on a Bike may be upgraded to a Ravenwing Captain. He gains the Scout ability and may take Ravenwing units as Troops as well as Fast Attack. Company Captain only; 15 points.
- Watcher in the Dark: The Dark Angels Company Captain has attracted the attention of the mysterious Watchers in the Dark. If the Captain reduced to zero wounds, he is removed from play instead of being killed, whisked away by the Watchers. His opponent scores only half Victory Points for killing the Captain instead of full points; 10 points.
Wolf Lord, Rune Priest, Wolf Priest
Choice of ONE from this list +15 points:
- +1 WS (Wolf Lord only)
- +1 W (Rune Priest and Wolf Priest only)
- Battle Frenzy: The Wolf Lord and his battle-brothers are consumed by their thirst for battle. Any friendly unit of Space Wolves within 12” of him count their opponents as a preferred enemy; 15 points.
- Berserk Charge: On a player turn in which he charges, the Space Wolf hero and all members of any squad he has joined are filled with berserker rage and may re-roll failed rolls to wound; 25 points.
- Wolf Brother: The Wolf Priest may be purchase twice the normal number of Fenrisian Wolves (up to eight) to accompany him. Wolf Priests only; 10 points.
Again, we’d love to hear your feedback on the rules (please leave them as comments so I can address them here as opposed to email).