Death Guard: Terminator Commander and Rhino

I’ve been pretty busy over the past few days. I gave myself a strict deadline to get all my Death Guard models done before my new Titan arrives tomorrow, so I’ve been head-down all weekend. But all is well that ends well. Here is what 3 days of frantic painting gets me:
On the left is my new Loyalist Pre-Heresy Rhino, to round out my army. I’ve been refining my Multi-melta tactics over the past few weeks, and needed the 2nd rhino so I could stop borrowing the “Nurglefied” ones from the traitor army. I had a weekly game to debut it in, and whipped it up in just over 24 hours from the time of purchase…whew!
Just as I was getting home from my weekly game (a glorious 9500 point per side mega-battle using both my Reaver titan, and Bulwark’s Ork Gargant coming to you soon in a cool battle report) I found a small Forgeworld parcel in my mailbox.
On the right is the Red Scorpion Terminator Commander I had ordered some time ago, who was finished up about 1 hour ago. It took a bit of sanding and some minor tweaking to get him “de-Red Scorpioned” but I like the results.