Open Thread June 30th-07

Hi everybody! Here is an open thread for all of you you to have fun with.
First a little official news: Mkerr has WON Warseer’s Best Sci-Fi Tactician of the year! A huge round of thanks goes out to all of our readers who pushed us into the winners circle. We could not have done it without you. THANK YOU!
Now to direct today’s thread a bit, I’ve noticed that we have had several thousand downloads of the Logo Sheets over the months, so BoLSs would love to see what all you intrepid modellers have been up to. In the weeks ahead, we plan on highlighting certain folks who have done outstanding work with the Logo Sheets, so if you have something you want to show off to all of us, throw up some links so we can all gawk at your uber coolness! Logo sheets stuff, titans, whatever you are working on at the moment, lets see it…