Project: Titan Reinforcements – Part 1
2 Minute Read
Jun 5 2007

Hi everybody!
Look what showed up in the mail. I snagged a Reaver and a Warhound off of ebay, and managed to get all my minor projects wrapped up in time.
So far I have disassembled the reaver, and realigned its feet so it stands upright. It was leaning really far forward when it arrived. Next will be cleaning up the flash and some sanding of the existing paint in certain arfeas where it is built up. Spraying the entire thing black will come after that, then comes the process of building it back up into its final paintscheme.
I’m currrently thinking I will do the Reaver in the Traitor Legio Tempestor scheme, and the smaller Warhound in the Loyalist Legio Metalica scheme to provide backup for my existing Legio Metalica Reaver.
I already made up the Logo Sheets for both Titan Legios:
Here are a couple of ancient pics from epic of the 2 Legios to get an idea of the overall intended scheme.
Wish me luck, its gonna be a tough project, I have high standards to match for these new guys.

Author: Larry Vela