Chicago GT: Update 1
4 Minute Read
Jul 27 2007


Between games we got the first preview of Apocalypse in a half hour PowerPoint presentation with some of the staff (no designer studio members though). The slide show was okay, but they really didn’t tell us anything new. We got to see some pages, a couple of the new box sets, and hear how the game is going to work. There were a few questions at the end, but no answers worth reporting. So just rumor confirmation there. Here are the interesting bits:
Apocalypse Stuff

When I asked about the numbers on the 10″ blast, I was told it was for ornament and to support possible features in the future.
2. More on the Brass Scorpion. I’d heard about this online but I hadn’t seen it yet. It’s very impressive in the case. Right in the middle between the size of the Defiler and the Baneblade, this puppy has some weight to it.
I can’t tell if the circular blades are going to be part of the sprue or if that is a conversion. The guy behind the counter didn’t know.

No matter how you slice it this is going to be a beast even at 400 points. The Scorpion Cannon (10 S6 AP3 shots at BS3), Demolisher Cannon, and 2 Hellmaw Cannons (S6 AP3 templates) is bad enough. But combined with 13 Armor, 2 Structure Points, 12″ charge, and it’s tendency to explode catastrophically when destroyed takes it up to a new notch. I can’t wait to see it in action.
4. Promotional 3D Template for Vortex Grenades. When the game lauches they are going to sell a limited number of these neat little 3D templates. It’s hard to tell from the picture (I was in the back trying to take pictures of th slides), but they fit over the target making it pretty clear which models are in the area of effect. I can’t imagine myself ever using one, but I bet I buy one.
My Games
Mixed results today, but three fun games. Minor Loss (Alpha Legion), Minor Win (Death Guard), and Massacre (Space Marines). That’s 40 battle points (oh, and 30 sportsmanship points). Not terrible, but I’m hoping for two more wins!
Here’s a final shot of an Apocalypse game in action. More tomorrow!

Author: Guest Columnist