Featured Army: Pake’s Pre-Heresy Death Guard

Today I would like to kickoff a new section here at Bell of Lost Souls. Our Gallery section will highlight exceptional work that incorporates hobby assets from our Blog. First up is a wonderful Death Guard Army coming all the way from Finland, created by our friend, Pake.
Pake’s army first caught my eye several months ago over at Deathguard.org, when he started in on a great conversion for a Rhino that incorporated our Death Guard logo sheet, and he just kept going. Here is his army so far, with its “Stripey Styley” paintjob, great original conversions using Forgeworld pieces, and a lot of custom decals thrown in on top.
So sit back, and enjoy some great pics of a great army.
First up is Pake’s great conversion of 2 Plague Marine squads using the Forgeworld Traitor Militia set as a basis. I think the conversion is genius and the overall look is great.
These two vehicles are a good example of Pake’s “Stripey Styley” paint scheme used on a couple of largeer models.
I just love these Terminators. I’m especially taken by the chipped paint effect on the storm shields.
Just tell me, who doesn’t want to face a Cthulu Great Unclean One shambling towards your lines on the tabletop. I really need to pick up some greenstuff and get practicing.
And last but not least, Pake’s Deamon Prince, using the Forgeworld Ogryn Berzerker model.
Ok guys, If you like what you see, please drop some comments here for Pake. I know he would love some feedback from you all. Also, please email the blog is you have something you finished that used any of our BoLS assets. It may just make it into the Gallery as well.
-Pake lives in Finland, in a west coast town called Vaasa. He’s been playing 40K since Rogue Trader. (his first copy of White Dwarf was issue 104.) At the moment he owns a 3000 pt rotten Death Guard army, a 1500 pt Pre Heresy DG army, an old school Genestealer Cult army, and an old school Harlequin army. His favorite army army is definitely Death Guard. He feels DG players are the most passionate about their armies and everything related to DG. Pake started collecting a Plague Marine army because he thought it was easy to paint, but as soon as he had painted his first unit, he knew there was no coming back. His painting style is inspired by a lot of people: Mike McVey, Joe Hill, Seb Perbet etc, but his current painting style/scheme on the Pre Heresy DG is inspired by BigRed’s Pre Heresy DG army, and Mr. Nipples @ Deathuard.org. After almost two decades of painting, he’s still learning new techniques every day and trying to improve the stuff he already knows. Pake’s army is doing OK on the battlefield, having beaten almost every army it has faced, except for some nasty Finnish tyranids.