Legio Ignatum Logo Sheet

Hi Everybody, I’ve been going over many of the Titan legions from some of my ancient GW Epic books and picking another good looking scheme for the Loyalists. By popular request I settled on the Legio Ignatum (The Fire Wasps), with their menacing yellow and black striped carapace colors and with red/gold trim and black detail plating. So without further ado here is the link to the PDF file for the Legio Ignatum Banner/Logo sheet you can freely pull down and use:
I created the original logos in Adobe Illustrator.
I would print out two copies on highgloss color printer paper, cuting out a pairs of banners for your titan, then glue them together to make matching double-sided banners.
Next print out a single copy on decal paper for the logos that are embossed directly onto the titan (the princeps rank badge and the titan-model badges for the lower legs.)
The sheet has instructions on where you hang them from your models but there will a bit of creativity involved in getting the top-carapace legion banners strung up. I would plan on drilling in a nice medal rod bannerpole atop the missile launcher on a reaver.
In any case, enjoy and I wish you titan fanatics the best in using this set for your forces. There will be further Titan Legions (including traitors) in the future.