To keep as close to the original Mr. Potato Head look I wanted to keep a brown body. But brown paint on a stompa doesn’t look right, so I tried a new technique with the rust. I think it turned out well. Expect a future blog article on painting rust in the near future.

And yes, I decided to keep the existing “butt hatch” on Mr. Potato Head for storage of the extra pieces.

As you can see, it is modular and can still use the original pieces in it. It has 2 more slots (for the ears) above the arms. I’m thinking about adding a gatling gun and a lifta-droppa arm.
Mr. Potato Head stompa had his debut last night for the weekly FlyLords game night. Everyone loved him. Some of you may remember Abe, the guy from the pic with the giant inflatable space marine from Chicago Games Day. Abe decided to pick up the stompa to take a closer look, and promptly dropped it and broke an arm. So make sure you give him a hard time if you see him.