GD 2007 Wrapup & 2008 Rumblings…

Images brought to the community by Dionysus from Dystartes
Well, Games Day 2007 has come and gone, and left us all with a sense of excitement and anticipation.
With the minis on display an several corroborating sources it looks like 2008 may be shaping up to look something like this:
- Codex: Orks (Jan)
- Codex: Ruinous Powers (around March-April)
- The Big Mystery
- Codex:??? (Necrons would seem to be a strong contender for this slot)
Various sources are saying that after Codex: Ruinous Powers things will be getting very interesting, so we’re not just talking about another expected codex release. Various rumors and speculation include possibilities such as:
- Plastic Stompa (supposedly put off till late next year)
- Plastic Thunderhawk (some low-level chatter on this one has persisted for several months now)
- Warhammer 40k 5th Edition (perhaps moved up by the devs to address some serious design issues they wish to clear up before proceeding onto other codices)
- Space Marine Redux (seems unlikely as it was said to be punted at least a year down the road)
Thrown into the 2008 mix will be 1-2 Imperial Armor books from Forgeworld
- IA:6 Siege of Vraks Part 2 (rumored to include chaos-engines and the reaver titan)
- IA:7 Rumored to be about Adeptus Mechanicus
There is also background talk of the Necrons coming along nicely, so they may be a contender for any late year releases.
Finally, here are a couple of additional GD:2007 pics we didn’t get in yesterday.
How does all this jive with what you all are hearing?