Review: Chaos army boxed set

A couple of nights ago, I got to take a peek inside the new limited edition Chaos Army box a friend picked up.
…And it is fantastic!
First of all, lets put aside the berzerkers and the rhinos, because they are identical. Its the the new stuff that is just outstanding.
CSM Marines: these guys have a sprue recut, so the basic troops are identical, but the new power-specific heads for your Champions and the power-specific icons are great. I expect to see lots of these on bitz sites soon.
Terminators: The level of detail on these is even higher than you would think from the leaked sprue pics. The end results are pretty much the same as the loyalist termies, but for us old CSM players who have had to make due with the ancient metals… its a godsend. Extra coolness points goes out for the trophy racks with the winged Dark Angel helmet staked up! Ha!
Terminator Lord: Somehow a step up even from the terminators. The entire thing for both lord and sorcerer is crammed into a single really small sprue. The real winners on this kit are the boatload of “coolness bits” added on for modeling variety. Things like the tiny familiar slinking along dragging a sword, or the lighting claw giving the bird (sure to be a favorite for the under 15 set), make this kit a pleasure to assemble. There are just so many options, and you are guaranteed to have tons of extras left over to dress up your normal termies.
Possessed /Spawn: I’ve lumped these two together because in my mind they have the same attibutes… a converters dream. While rules wise I have a feeling these units may not be to popular, the kits are just a converter’s dream come true. These things put the old mutation sprue to shame. With even one kit of each, you will be able to dress up an entire 2000pt army easily.
All in all, good job GW!