RUMORS: New Apocalypse Strategic Assets
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Sep 19 2007

Hi folks,
Apparently there are several categories of Strategic Assets an army can purchase in apocalypse, in the following categories:
Tactical Assets: Things that directly effect your models and deployment.
Battlefield Assets: Enhancements to the board to strengthen your forces.
Frontline Assets: Exotic pieces of equipment that will effect the game.
Support Assets: Abstracted off-table help to improve your forces.
While most of these have been described in other forums, I’ve been informed of a few new ones that may catch your eye by a little bird named JF…
- Disruptor Beacon: This piece of equipment lets the owning player on a 4+ relocate any enemy forces who reserve on within 48″ of it to any location on the board of his choice!
- Anti-plant Barrage: On a 2+ each pieces of vegetation-based terrain is removed from the table.
- Recon: All your forces reroll failed difficult and dangerous terrain checks.
- Bunkers: You get 6 bunkers to place as you wish.
- Long Range AAA: You may force a single enemy flyer off the board immediately, or force it to take several automatic hits!
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m getting more pumped for Apocalypse every day. Now I gust need to get cracking on finishing out my Heresy-Era Death Guard Century….

Author: Larry Vela