NEWS: Forgeworld IA Apocalypse Announced

Latest Forgeworld press release:
“Our preview this newsletter is for the upcoming book; Imperial Armour Apocalypse. This new hardback contains everything you`ll need to use your collection of Forge World models to fight apocalyptic battles in conjunction with Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse. Imperial Armour Apocalypse can be also be used for Warhammer 40,000 and it replaces Imperial Armour Update 2006, plus it updates the Imperial Armour hardback books where necessary. The book is packed with 67 new datafaxes, covering our range from Imperial Guard super-heavy tanks like the Shadowsword, and Malcador, to the terrifying weapons of Chaos and their Daemon Lords, to the war machines of the Orks and Eldar and monstrous creatures like the Scythed Hierodule and Trygon.
There are also 25 new battle formations, including the Space Marine Drop Pod assault force, Ork Tanka Mobs, Eldar Serpent Rider Hosts, Winged Tyranid Swarms and Tau Pathfinder Search and Destroy Cadre to the Necron Undying Legion and the Chaos Deathclaw Talon wing.”
-The question is, is this a super pricey hardcover, or just their latest soft cover yearly update product (which are much, much cheaper)?