Warhammer 30,000 League – Week 4

The League continues, and the first treachery of the Warmaster knows no bounds!
We had over 20 folks show up at Battleforge Games, and the Warhammer 30,000 League is cruising along. This 4th week featured larger 2000pt Legion forces against a variety of alien threats, and several hallmark games: On Istvaan III, the Warmaster had unleashed the Life-eater on the Loyalist remnants of his 4 closest Legions, Fulgrim has tried to entice his brother Ferrus Manus to the Traitor side, and on Mars, the Imperial Fists have been caught up in an uprising of twisted Dark Mechanicus. Lets do a quick recap so everyone can see how the Legions held up.
Alpha Legion vs White Scars, IG Armoured Company
The Alpha Legion under the command of Master Arkos, has finally been bested, but only just. Following a brutal virus-bombing Tallarn has been reduced to a toxic desert. A force of Loyalist White Scars backed up by Tallarn PDF armoured forces has forced the Alpha Legion offworld, but the cost was high. That legendary Scion of Alpharious, Arkos assaulted Tallarn at the head of a large force of Legion armor, backed up by the Fellblade: Hydra’a Claw and its crack crew. Holed up in a defended position, the Fellblade destroyed: 2 Leman Russ’s, a Leman Russ Demolisher, a Hellhound, A White Scars Land Raider, 2 Land Speeders, and an Attack Bike, before it was knocked out of action. With its position flanked by Loyalist forces, the crew of the Hydra’s Claw scuttled their own vehicle and escaped to safety. While the Loyalists consolidated their bloody victory, Captain Arkos, has evacuated the surface in good order, and left the Tallarn system. He will certainly be back.
World Status: Imperial Control
Imperial Fists vs Dark Mechanicus (necrons)
Reports are sketchy at best, but it is reported that the Imperial Fists are caught up in a bloody uprising of Dark Mechancus on the home of the Mechanicum. The fists are on-world on the orders of Rogal Dorn to secure large stocks of the most advanced Astartes armour and munitions for the defense of Terra. They will now be forced to fight their way out of the Martian control zone, with their precious cargo.
World Status: Unknown Status
Stokkan IV
Night Lords vs Cabalite Eldar
Again the Night Lords have wreaked a bloody streak of carnage across the galaxy. While Terra is uncertain of the exact disposition of the Sons of Nostramo, they have isolated the very Kabal of Eldar raiders who have been the quarry of both the Salamanders and Raven Guard. In a single brutal stroke, the Kabal is no more. A small force under command of Night-Captain Wolf, used themselves as bait, to lure the raiders onto their position. Once the Eldar had been concentrated in a fixed location, Captain Wolf, gave the word, and his mobile force fought their way to safety in a matter of only 6 minutes, after dispatching the Eldar’s transports. A barrage of lance fire from an orbiting Legion strike cruiser did the rest.
World Status: Devastated by Night Lords
Dark Angels vs undisclosed insurgents (???)
The Dark Angels have resolved their mysterous combat duties upon their homeworld. All Imperial requests for more information on their combat operations have been ignored, but the Legions is mustering in force for a new campaign. Whatevery fould force could keep them occupied in thier home-system is apparently no more.
World Status: Imperial Control
Lax II
Space Wolves vs Unknown Xenos
The formerly loyal world of Lax II, near Fenris, has rebelled. Its governor has sworn fealty to the Warmaster, and ambushed the Space Wolf forces who were training on-world. In a brutal and hardfought battle the Wolves have won the day, fighting their way off-world, and have brought word of this treachery to Leman Russ. Several Great Companies have departed Fenris to cull Lax II into submission for their folly.
World Status: Imperial Control
Istvaan III
Death Guard, Emperor’s Children (Traitor elements) vs World Eaters, Sons of Horus (Loyalist elements)
Upon the capitol world of Istvaan III, 4 Legions have torn themselves apart. After being virus-bombed by their own traitorous commanders on orders from Horus, the Loyal remnants of the World Eaters and Sons of Horus have pushed back a major offensive. Captains Garviel Loken and Ehren Gak, have defeated a Traitor Death Guard and Emperor’s Children force led by the arrogant Lord-Commander Eidolon. It is said, that in his foolish Pride, Eidolon left his Death Guard allies to their doom as he pulled his forces pack in the face of the enemy to enjoy the debaucheries his Legion has to offer. A dead world, Istvaan III has paid the ultimate price for the Warmaster’s heresy.
World Status: Imperial Control (situation deteriorating)
Blood Angels (standin player) vs LaTD
Among the urban ruins of Signus, the Blood Angels have walked into bloody lunacy. Reports are sketchy from this blasted ruin of a planet, but the Blood Angels have walked into a world completely overrun by daemonic forces of the Blood God. The battle was a pitch affair, and losses are heavy on both sides, but victory will not be coming quickly. Reports from the surface indicate heavy infantry combat and losses are reported to be high. It is to be noted, the the Blood Angels were sent to Signus on direct orders from the Warmaster Intercepted Signus transmission here.
World Status: Non Compliance
Dangerous Liasons
Iron Hands vs Emperor’s Children
The Iron Hands have been ambushed under a brotherly banner of parley. The Emperor’s Children have failed to win over their Loyalist Iron Hand brothers to the side of the Warmaster. They have successfully fought their way clear of their host’s fleet, and escaped back to the Istvaan system. It was a close thing, and losses on both sides are high. The Iron Hands are making repairs and intend to have their vengeance on the Legion of Fulgrim as soon as possible.
Fleet Status: Emperor’s Children delegation has escaped
Week 4 Summary:
The Heresy is lit, and the Legions have begun to destroy each other. Terra reports several Loyalist Legions are being mustered to put down the rebellion and are headed to the Istvaan system. With only 4 Legions to call on for aid, Horus should be easily crushed…
Standout commanders who are undefeated at this time include:
- Night-Captain Wolf ~ Night Lords
Further Week 4 news and updates as they come in…
Next Week: The Imperial landings on Istvaan V…