Upcoming from BoLS: Lords of Battle

Our initial set of Apocalypse datasheets for some of the larger toys like knights and titans have been well recieved. So well in fact, that hot on the heels of our Age of Heresy campaign book, we are planning our next supplement:
Lords of Battle: Epic Machines and Monstrosities of the 40th Millennia.
This supplement will be a single pdf file including a host of the most cherished “big guys” from back in the days of yore. Many of these have old resin models available, and many will require scratch-building from crazed modelers like you.
The current list of Datasheets planned is:
- Reaver Titan
- Legion Fellblade
- Imperial Guard Leviathan
- Imperial Guard Capitol Imperialis
- Imperial Guard Deathstrike Missile Launcher
- Knight Castellan
- Knight Paladin
- Mechanicus Ordinatus Mars
- Mechanicus Ordinatus Golgotha
- Mechanicus Ordinatus Armageddon
- Phantom Titan
- Warlock Titan
- Towering Destroyer Knight
- Bright Stallion Knight
- Great Gargant
- Slasha Gargant
- Digga Stompa
- Dominatrix
- Exocrene
- Malefactor
- Dactylis
- Cannon of Khorne
- Cauldron of Blood
- Silver Towers of Tzeentch
-If you have any special comments or requests, let me know.