GW Christmas Freebies!! Battle for Armageddon

A quick one here. GW through Specialist Games every now and then hands out one of their ancient boardgames absolutely free via Adobe Acrobat for all of us slavish fans.
Recently they just released two really good games. I’m talking about Battle for Armageddon and its advanced rules supplement Chaos Attack. For those who don’t remember these, they are classic “historical wargaming” boardgames where you get a world map, each side gets a set of special rules and a set of unit markers representing the strategic units available during the campaign. What is cool about these games is that while you are free to play out the campaign as you wish or change things up freely, you are given a “historical setup” including the exact placement for each of the participating armies on each sides.
These are fantastic games in and of themselves, as well being a wonderful springboard to run 40k campaigns from or even as inspiration for painting up some cool armies you’ve never heard of before. With everything from hive-gang militia through regular infantry all the way up to battle titans, these games can certainly be used as a tie-in to a Apocalypse themed campaign.
Battle for Armageddon covers the 2nd Armageddon War pitting the Imperium against the Orks.
Chaos Attack covers the 1st Armageddon War pitting the Imperium (including Grey Knights) against the forces of Chaos led by Angron.
-p.s. What other game recently released by GW includes rules for Squats except this one? Get downloading guys!