Ho, Ho, Ho from London!

Hi all,
You just can’t keep a good bigred down. After one very turbulent flight over the pond and a week in London, its time for a check in.
Your faithful scribe is having a great time. Aside from the minor language mixups and some vague unease regarding the Underground (and its general lack of stroller accessibility) , all is well.
I’ve hit many of the touristy sites and popped into my first Games Workshop store ever…
A special thanks to Dominic and his crew at the GW Covent Garden. They offered up a great bit of British hospitality to a weary traveler, and didn’t disclose any GW state secrets to BoLS, even under the greatest interrogation methods known to Texas-kind. They did manage to pawn off a new White Dwarf and some future Death Guard minis though.
I will leave you with a set of (bad) pics of my trusty Death Guard Legionaire on the prowl in London, putting some weedy termagants to run, shoving Marneus Calgar out of the limelight, and taking in a stunning view of Parliament from the London Eye!
~Talk to you all soon, and have a Merry Christmas!