CASTING CALL: Genestealer Cult Playtesters Wanted!

Hi everybody,
You didn’t think we here at BoLS were just snoozing and playing with our Holiday presents over the last few weeks did you?
We’ve been hard at work, building our mini-codices and making them as perfect as we can. The Genestealer Cult list is ready for a final round of external playtesting , and I’m looking for 2-3 good testers to help iron out the kinks and loopholes from the list.
The ideal playtester should be:
- An experienced 40k player with several years of competitive play under his belt.
- A good communicator who can explain in detail what was good or bad about the list or individual units.
- A right nasty, sneaky player who can spot possible exploits or loopholes in lists and help to iron them out.
- Has a decent sized army to playtest with (ideally an IG and/or Tyranid army that can easily field 75-125 models).
If you have what it takes, and are eager to lend the Fly Lords a hand, email the blog with your qualifications, and I will be in touch shortly.
Thanks a million!
-Update, we have filled our initial pool of Genestealer Cult playtesters. Thanks so much for all of your interest and the fast responses!