NEWS: Comments from Jervis

This news brought to the community by Warseer’s: DinoDoc via the Relicforums
~It looks like Jervis had a nice chat with some folks at Ireland’s Warpcon. Lets see what’s tidbits are coming out of the Emerald Isle:
Liber Apocalypica
April among other things will see the release of Liber Apocalyptica, which deals with different sections of existing armies, then creates Apocalypse Datasheets for them. First up is Chaos with the Emperor’s Children Noise Marines. It’s going to be a White Dwarf segment. The April edition contains a datasheet for an Emperor’s Children Warband, with lots of juicy sonic weapons.
Traitor Legions
There are plans in place to implement the Chaos Legions in 40k. That means codex’s for Emperor’s Children, World Eaters, Death Guard etc…bear in mind this is pretty long run stuff (2 years +). Chaos legions WILL be getting a full codex. His exact words were “if we’re going to do things, we’re going to do them right.”
Other Codices
Dark Eldar are HIGH on the list guys. Alien hunters isn’t on the radar, since the focus is on updating current army lists rather than starting new ones. This means Dark Eldar, Guard and Space Wolf players are going to be happy. Jes Goodwin is already throwing around some concepts for Dark Eldar plastics.
A new Imperial Guard codex is being talked about.
A Space Wolf codex is high on the priority list, and he revealed they’re among his favourite chapters, purely because they actually care about the civilians, they’re the good guys as he put it.
There’s not going to be much in the way of Lost And The Damned as Jervis feels they’re covered already and more suited to Apocalypse as it is.
Sorry for you Armoured Company guys, Jervis mentioned when I asked that they’d be ridiculously hard to manage balance wise, but they’re throwing around the idea of giving Guard maybe 4 Heavy Support slots. He first said 6 and then when my eyes widened in shock he laughed and shrugged, “Well maybe 4…”. He feels Armoured Company are better off in Apocalypse, and he might do a datasheet on them for it, but as far as 40K it doesn’t look good.
Thoughts on the CSM Codex
The idea behind the Chaos legions is that he felt that the last book tried to cover every aspect of the Chaos forces, and did it badly. The way he saw Chaos was as this huge amalgamation of different forces serving the Dark Gods, each deserving their own army book.
The current Chaos codex is meant to represent renegade marines, not necessarily the ancient 10,000 year old servants of Chaos. He felt that while splitting up the different aspects of Chaos into their separate sections while at first painful (as shown by the displeasure at the recent codex) will, in the long run, do each component part more justice than a small 20-30 page footnote in an army book.
He said they regret not letting Chaos guys in on what the big picture was, and he feels they probably should have pushed that angle a little more (hindsight is always 20/20 though…).
Misc. Items
He wants to release a book of scenarios for 40k as he feels most of the complaints from people come from the fact that there are a limited amount of scenarios and mission types, and people can tailor their armies to excel in those limited confines, and as such win more easily. He feels a more varied approach to missions and scenarios might help to balance the game, rather than a more kill things and have more scoring units than your opponent approach.
Jervis revealed (and I can quote him on this) that Cypher is “absolutely NOT a Chaos Space Marine”. The way he envisioned Cypher is as an avatar of redemption, that in some sense the fallen Dark Angels are the good guys, as they see their mistakes and learned from it, but the Dark Angels simply can’t see past it, and instead decide to kill things to solve the problem. He also said that Cypher is not entirely human (or super human as the case may be) anymore due to the rend in reality that shattered Caliban, casting the fallen angels through space and time. He said there’s a mystical aspect to his character. He also explained a lot of where he got the idea from, a Clint Eastwood movie called High Plains Drifter was his main inspiration.
Also Void Dragon fans don’t hold your breath. I asked him if we’re going to learn any more about it and it was the only question I asked to which he replied he has no idea.
~ As a proud Death Guard army collector and player, let me tell you guys… I’m stoked about that Chaos Legion news!!! …and Cypher… hey, who knew?