Spy vs Spy?

Ok folks, everyone knows what the talk of the town is today. I’m not going to get into details, but once again there has been a “Leak” onto the internet.
Lets take a look back over the past year and add some things up. GW has now seen at least its last 4 major publications leaked early onto the tubes by forces unknown.
Some interesting notes:
- Each was leaked during its “6 month window” before its formal release.
- Some were reported as “printers copies” that were very simliar to the final release product.
- Some were reported as “early development documents” that bore little visual similarity to the final release products.
So my question boys and girls is: Is there a nefarious GW mole lurking somewhere in their organization, or are we staring straight at a Guerrilla Marketing operation put out by some very canny folks at GW to whip up enthusiasm for upcoming products?
~You decide?
~PS, Talk about the “trend” all you wish, but there is absolutely no posting of links to GW copyright material allowed on BoLS. Violators will have thier comments deleted and be put in a cage with a Carnifex armed only with a las-pistol and a CCW!