PLAY-AID: Genestealer Cults Mini-dex from BoLS

UPDATE: V2.0 (for 5th Edition) is up.
Hi Everybody,
As promised, with the advent of 5th Edition, the Fly Lords are working through our older publications and updating them for the new edition. First up is the Genestealer Cult. This new version 2.0 list is ready to go! Within this 22 page mini-dex you will find:
- Background
- Modeling section
- Army List
- 4 Special Characters (including Imperial opposition characters)
- Apocalypse Datasheet
- Galactic Map
It has been an absolute blast working on this list and tweaking it for 5th. Hopefully it will get some of those old dusty cult minis off of the shelves and back onto the tabletop where they belong. The list is an updated version of both the original Rogue Trader list, and the more recent Citadel Journal list.
It is primarily a horde list that contains some of the most low quality (but dirt cheap) units you’ve ever laid your eyes on, mixed with some mean, nasty inner Coven units to keep an enemy on his toes. And hey, Limos…with Genestealers in them… No matter what happens Genestealer Cults always win on style points!
~I hope all you Cult fans have some fun with these. Enjoy and as usual, we love comments and feedback! What I think I enjoy most of all is the flexibility these PDFs give us. While we endeaver ot playtest the heck out of these things, a lot of the tweaks in v2.0 came directly from feedback from you, our readers. So enjoy, and by all means keep the feedback and comment coming. We really do read them!
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