RUMORS: 5th Edition Boxed Set Contents
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Feb 14 2008

Hi guys,
Scuttlebutt from the tubes says the rumored 5th Edition “Battle for Rynn’s World” boxed set may contain the following plastic minis:
- Captain with powerfist
- Tactical Squad
- Terminator Squad (possibly “just a couple” instead of a full squad)
- Dreadnought (only 2 pieces!?!)
~Some or all of the models have been hinted at having Ultramarines iconography
- Warboss
- Twenty Ork boyz (like the four man Ork boys set)
- Twenty Grotz
- Three Deff Koptas
~ Two things guys;
1) Returning the basic boxed set to Marines vs Orks makes the universe seem right.
2) Plastic Dreadnought, Warboss, Deffcoptas! Holy Moly!!!

Author: Larry Vela