RUMORS: 5th Edition Tidbits

rumors brought to the community by warseer’s: harry (and brimstone)
Hi folks, we have some new tidbits regarding 5th today. Lets get right to them:
Line of Sight
The old PDF (which most folk are going off of) stated that all units (friend and foe) blocked line of sight. The final ruling is that you CAN shoot through intervening units (friend or foe), as long as they don’t completely block line of sight (like tanks and so on). But if you do so, then you give the target a 4+ cover save.
-This cover save apparently works both ways.
Blast Weapons
There is a significant way in which all blast weapons work (large and small) now. First of all blast weapons do not require a roll to hit, using the firers ballistic skill. Instead you place the blast template over the intended target and roll a scatter dice. If the dice shows a hit all models under the template (including partials) are hit. If it scatters then roll 2D6 to see how far the template scatters. But here is the cool part – you now modify the deviation by the firers ballistic skill (in inches). So to simplify, the Blast template either hits or scatters 2D6 Minus (BS)”
-My question is are we talking the sum of 2d6″ minus BS, or 2d6″ (take the highest) minus BS.
~This is apparently further coroboration of the leaked PDF being a very early playtest version. What we are seeing in both of these tidbits is an improved and streamlined version of what was talked about earlier. The LoS news still shakes up the game and opens up screening both offensively and defensively without being tedious, while the Blast Weapon news makes them effective again based upon BS. Cool!