Terrain Building Extravaganza

About a year ago I started a series of easy to follow terrain building posts. Since then, BoLS readership has gone through the roof. So, here is a brief recap of some of the terrain building articles that you may have missed.
We’ve changed our formatting since these were originally published, so some of the text may be misaligned.
The Ziggurat. This was my first article for BoLS (and it shows). This is a pretty easy build using insulation foam and creative knife work.
The Ork Village. Adobe style ork buildings made from foam core and Wood Filler.
Bunkers. Having actual bunkers makes a bunker assault mission much easier. These were constructed similar to the ork village.
Roads. Easy to make road sections using MDF board, wood filler (for texture) and a little flock.
Trenches. You may have seen these in our 30k apoc battle reports. These are made from 1/4 round trim and a little plasticard.
I had originally intended to do an article on necrons, but my dog (or rather, my wife’s dog) ate the usb cable for our camera. Anyone want a slightly used pug?