NEWS: Chaos Apocalypse datasheets on the way

Hi all,
It looks like GW is kicking out a ton of chaos Apocalypse goodness. The latest White Dwarf (340) contains the following 4 datasheets:
- Thousand Sons Warcoven (rubric marines and terminators)
- Banelord of Khorne (chaos warlord)
- Defiler Assault Force (3-6 defilers)
- Chaos Conclave (handful of named characters and daemon princes)
The following others have been mentioned as coming soon, and all are to be posted online eventually.
- Khorne Lord of Battle
- Khorne Doom Blaster
- Slaanesh Subjugator
- Emperor’s Children Warband
- Nurgle Plague tower
- Silver Tower of Tzeentch
~Nice, very nice! Its really good to see that Apocalypse support continues! Yet more scratchbuilding to come… I guess a lot of this is to give the new Chaos Daemons codex some datasheets to call their own.