5th Edition: We have a Cover! (updated)

Images brought to the community by Bolter and Chainsword’s: ravenheart
Look at this ladies and gentlemen! I’d say that is as hard a confirmation as we’re going to get that 5th is indeed right around the corner.
On a related note also from Games Day France, check out this link to BoLS reader: Waxfrance’s awesome Gamesday France webpage. Its really put together well with over 100 great images of the convention and a cool 2-minute video.
We also have some additional 5th edition tidbits:
- Release Date: Saturday, July 5th
- Powerfists confirmed as not getting an additional attack unless equipped with a second PF.
- Secondary weapons on vehicles confirmed as Strength:4.
- Units which are charged get a “response move” of some type (so many of the “precision charging” shenanigans of 4th are out the window).
~More as we get it…