Adepticon 2008: The Fly Lords Return!
2 Minute Read
Apr 13 2008

Well folks, Adepticon 2008 has been a blast.
You can expect a series of posts in the next few days detailing our games, (both individual and team games). For now I want to say that all of us here from Bell of Lost Souls had a wonderful time and met so many wonderful folks. We got a chance to meet Phil Kelly and quite a few of our regular readers in person. For any of the great people we met who are visiting us for the first time, kick back, take a look around and have a great time… Welcome.
Here are a quick set of some glimpses of Adepticon 2008. A special note goes out to that charming fellow holding up the warhound titan. Ladies and Gentlemen, that is the face of defeat. Take a good look. Your’s truly Bigred was defeated as badly as a person can be defeated in a public setting by that kind soul. I’m not afraid of admitting it here, but boy did it hurt (more on that game later). I would like to point out that he was a wonderful player and volunteered to by the official BoLS “Face of Defeat”. So lets all give him a hand folks!
As for that pair of falcons in the lower pics… well Mkerr and I put 30 glancing hits on both of them, and managed to kill that one on the left… yikes!
We’re on the road with 12 hours to go till we hit Austin, and its great to be back to blogging again. Regular posts from now on.

Author: Larry Vela