Forgeworld Newsletter 193

This Sunday, the 6th of April Forge World will be holding its second Open Day at Warhammer World in Nottingham, full details of which can be found in this newsletter. This is going to be a fantastic event and best of all its free to enter.
Also we have a new catalogue to announce and your last chance to reserve an order for Games Day France or the Salute show in London.
Alan Bligh
Forge World Open Day 2008
The Open Day is a great chance to come along and see what we have in store for you in the coming year, and our whole studio staff will be in attendance for you to come and talk to. You`ll also see many of their current projects, new and forthcoming models as well as previews of our next two book releases Imperial Armour Vol 6: The Siege of Vraks Part 2 and our Imperial Armour modelling book. You`ll also be able to take a look at the new Chaos Marine Death Guard and Khorne World Eaters conversion sets, as well as some forthcoming additions to the Krieg range, some new super-heavy kits we have on the way, and the long-awaited new Eldar super heavy tank, and much more.
Doors open at 10am and the Open Day itself will continue until 4pm. Admission will be free at the door.
Special Sneak Peaks
In this newsletter we have two very special previews for the Open Day to show you. The first is the amazing new Reaver Titan designed by Will Hayes. The mighty Reaver is now finished and you will be able to pre-order it at the Open Day! This will be the first chance to pre-order this truly stunning model. Rather than spoil the surprise of what the finished model looks like, Here’s just a teaser shot of the Titan’s foot with a Space Marine model to scale this beast!
Our second special preview is of our new special edition show only model for 2008; the Reaver Titan Princeps who you can see pictures of Here. This model will be available in Very Limited quantities for sale at the Open Day, but will be available at other events we attend throughout the year. Our other current show-only models will also be available at the Open Day.
New Catalogue
At the end of April Forge World will be releasing its new 2008 catalogue. If you would like a copy of the catalogue (which is free regardless of wherever you are in the world), please get in touch with us at our catalogue request email address at [email protected] or give a ring at we’ll take your address details and get you one sent out.
Attractions & Activities
As well as the chance to come and see what we are up to, we have a lot of other great activities at the event. You’ll be able to see our forge World studio’s superb Siege of Vraks board and there will be display and participation games, including a giant Apocalypse Battle between the Imperium and the Eldar, and our ever popular 40k-scale version of our Aeronautica Imperialis game.
There will also be an area where people can bring their own painted Forge World models for display (and a small prize handed out for the one we like best). We will also be running our charity raffle to win a Warhound Titan; tickets will be £1 each and the proceeds will go to ‘Children in Need’. You can buy as many tickets for the raffle as you like and the winner will be drawn at the end of the day, so its your chance to get hold of a Titan for a £1!
We will also have a sales stand with a selection of our stock available, and the ability to place orders to send out with no shipping to pay. Reservation orders for the Open Day are now closed however.
Additionally the Warhammer World facilities will be open for business as usual, so you can use the store, take a look round the museum or get some food and refreshments in Bugman’s Bar and restaurant.
If you need directions to the event you can get them from the Warhammer World website Here, and you can find more details of the show on our website Here.
Games Day France and Salute
Forge World will also be attending both Games Day France 08 at LE Stade de France in Paris on Sunday the 20th April and the Salute show at the Excel Exhibition Centre in London on Saturday the 19th of April. We may only be able to take a limited selection of our stock to these events, so if you would like to place a reservation order, please get the details to us as soon as possible. The final deadline for reservations for these events is this coming Monday, the 7th of April.
~That is a mighty big foot! Who’s already inthe line to pick up a Reaver as soon as its out?