Work in Progress: Aeronautica Chaos Squadron

Hey guys, Its a bit of a slow news day so its time to show you whats on my work bench at the moment. Remember several weeks back when I asked you what 40k side game I should pick up for fun this summer. Well lets just say my pilots-license counted as about 1000 votes in that one 🙂
I was really excited to get to the Forgeworld display at Adepticon and picked up this heavy bombing squadron for Aeronautica Imperialis, as well as both of the books. They are a fabulous read, and are typical hardback Forgeworld quality.
My fleet here may not look like much right now, but give me a week. I’ll be leveling targets in no time. Now it’s up to some of other AI Austin players (we have a little league spinning up over the summer) to try to stop me!
You can see the one finished Helltalon at the bottom of the pic I’m using as my style guide for others which are just being washed and drybrushed now.